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[日期:2013-01-24] 来源:科教园注会  作者:科教园小编 [字体: ]

beneficial owner 实益拥有人
beneficial ownership 实益拥有权
beneficial shareholding 实益股份
beneficially interested 享有实质权益
beneficially owned 实益拥有
beneficially owned share 实益股份
beneficiary 受益人;受惠人;受款人;受惠国
beneficiary under a trust 信托受益人
benefit 利益;福利;津贴;保险赔偿费
benefit of contract 合约利益
Bergen Bank 卑尔根银行
best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率
Best Practice Guide 《最佳执行指引》
Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions
bet 投注
beta coefficient  贝他系数;“啤打”系数;投资风险与股市风险系数
bets and sweeps tax 博彩及彩票税
betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费
betterment income 资产增值收入
betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额
betting duty 博彩税
bid 叫价;出价;投标;提出拨款申请;买盘
bid price 买价;投标价格;收购价
bid rate 买价;投标价;拆入息率
bidder 竞投人
BII Finance Company Limited
bilateral agreement 双边协议;双边协定
bilateral meeting 双边会议
bilateral netting agreement 双边净额结算协议
bilateral repurchase agreement 双边回购协议
bill 票据;帐单;汇票;条例草案
bill acceptance 票据承兑
bill broker 票据经纪
bill discounting company 票据贴现公司
bill for clearing 交换票据;结算票据
bill in a set 汇票联票
bill of exchange 汇票
bill of lading [B/L] 提单
bill of sale [B/S] 卖据;动产抵押据
bill payable after sight 见票后付款汇票
bill payable on demand 凭票要求付款的汇票
bill purchased 出口押汇;买入票据
bill receivable 应收票据
Bills of Exchange Law 《票据法》
blank endorsement 空白背书;不记名背书
blanket insurance 总括保险;综合保险;统保
blanket policy 总括保险单;统保单
block 交易单位〔证券〕;大宗股票;集团
block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款
block capital grant 整笔非经常补助金
block discount policy 折扣统保单
block grant 整笔补助金

block grant system 整笔补助金制度
block offer [securities] 整批发售〔证券〕
block vote 整体拨款
blue chip 蓝筹股;优质股票
board lot 交易单位;上牌单位;“一手”
Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会
Board of Governors of the World Bank
Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited
Board of Inland Revenue 税务委员会
Board of Review [inland revenue] 税务上诉委员会
Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago]
Board of Treasury 库务管理委员会
board trading 上板式买卖
BOCI Capital Limited 中银国际
body corporate 法团;法人团体
Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》
bogus transaction 虚假交易
bona fide mortgage 真正抵押
bona fide transaction 真正交易
bona vacantia 无主财物
bond 债券;担保契据;担保书;债权证明书
bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars
bond fund 债券基金
bond rating 债券评级
bonded warehouse 保税仓
bonus 花红;红利;奖金
bonus issue 红股发行
bonus share 红股
book 簿册;帐簿
book and paper 簿册及文据
book close date 截止过户日期
book debt 帐面债项
book entry 帐面记录
book loss 帐面亏损;帐面损失
book of account 帐簿
book profit 帐面利润
book reserve 帐面储备
book value 帐面价值
book-keeping transaction 帐面交易
boom year 经济高度增长年;景气年份
booming market 旺市;好市;景气市场
boost 上扬
borrow 借入
borrowed fund 借入资金
borrowed stock 被借用证券
borrower 借用人;借款人;借方
borrowing 借款;借贷;举债
borrowing and lending of stocks 借用及借出证券
borrowing power 借贷权;借款能力
borrowing upon stock 以公债形式借取款项




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