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  The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也吵你微笑。注会学习虽然艰苦,但只要坚持下来就是胜利,科教园注册会计师辅导班是您理想的学习伙伴。

  1.Company A is a limited liability company located in China,With Renminbi(RMB¥;)as its recording currency.The following foreign currency transactions or events occurred in this company from January 20×7 through March 20×7。


  (1)On Jan 5tn,company A bought 1 00 thousands B shares of Company X(US$3 per share)for US$300 thousands.The spot exchange rate on that day Was$1=¥;7.60.In addition,company A paid transaction cost of¥20 thousands. Company A classified the investment as held for trading.Until March 3 1,20× 7,company A Was still holdingthe investment.The fair value of the share iS$4.5 per share on March 3 1,20×7.


  (2)On March 20th, company A purchased equipment Y from an overseas company for US$200 thousands.The spot exchange rate on the purchase date Was $1=¥7.30.Based on the purchase agreement,the purchase price was to be settled in 3 months,although delivery was made immediately.Assume no tariff is levied on the purchase.


  (3)On Feb 10th,Company A exposed products to a US company with selling price of US$ 150 thousands.The delivery was made immediately and receivable was due within 60 days from delivery.The spot exchange rate on Feb 10th Was $1=¥7.36.Assume no valued-added tax(VAT) is levied on the export.The cost of the products Was ¥900 thousands.


  (4)On March 1st,Company A accepted investment of US$1 000 thousands from investor W.The spot exchange rate on that day was $1=¥7.26,and the exchange rate set in the investment contract was $1=¥7.30.Remittance was made to Company As bank account on March 1st.After the investment,the total paid-in capital of Company A is ¥70000 thousands,among which investor W accounts for 10%。


  (5)Other information:

  a.The closing exchange rate on March 31,20×7 is $1=¥7.40.

  b.The opening balances of foreign currency monetary accounts of Company A on Dec 31,20×6 are as follows:

  Amount in US$

  (in thousands) Exchange rate on Dec 3 1,20x6 Amount in RMB¥

  (in thousands)

  Accounts receivable 800 7.62 6 096

  Accounts payable 1 200 7.62 9 144

  Bank deposit 2 000 7.62 15 240




  账户     外币余额    汇率   人民币余额

  应收账款    800     7.62     6096

  应付账款    1200      7.62     9144

  银行存款    2000      7.62     15240


  1.Prepare accounting entries for above transactions or events.

  2.Determine the carrying amount of investment in Company X‘S B shares on March 31,20×7 and prepare the related accounting entry.

  3.Calculate the exchange income(or expense) of foreign currency monetary items for the first quarter of 20×7 and prepare the related accounting entry for recognizing foreign exchange income(or expense)。






  1. Prepare accounting entries for above transactions or events.


  Dr:Financial assets held-for-trading 2280

  Investment income 20

  Cr:Bank deposit 2300 (300×7.6+20)

  借:交易性金融资产 2280

  投资收益 20

  贷:银行存款 2300(300×7.6+20)


  Dr:Property,plant and equipment 1460

  Cr:Accounts payable 1460 (200×7.3)

  借:固定资产 1460

  贷:应付账款 1460(200×7.3)


  Dr:Accounts receivable 1104(150×7.36)

  Cr:Sales revenues 1104

  Dr:Cost of goods sold 900

  Cr:Merchandise inventory 900

  借:应收账款 1104(150×7.36)

  贷:主营业务收入 1104

  借:主营业务成本 900

  贷:库存商品 900


  Dr:Bank deposit 7260 (1000×7.26)

  Cr:Issued capital 700

  Capital surplus 6560

  借:银行存款 7260(1000×7.26)

  贷:实收资本 700

  资本公积 6560

  2. Determine the carrying amount of investment in Company X‘S B shares on March 31,20×7 and prepare the related accounting entry.

  The carrying amount of investment in Company X‘S B shares on March 31,20×7:4.5×100×7.4=¥3330

  Dr:Financial assets held-for-trading 1050(4.5×100×7.4-2280)

  Cr:Changes of fair value of assets 1050

  借:交易性金融资产 1050(4.5×100×7.4-2280)

  贷:公允价值变动损益 1050

  3.Calculate the exchange income(or expense) of foreign currency monetary items for the first quarter of 20×7 and prepare the related accounting entry for recognizing foreign exchange income(or expense)。

  Dr:Accounts payable 244

  Finance expense 166

  Cr:Bank deposit 240

  Accounts receivable 170

  借:应付账款 244

  财务费用 166

  贷:银行存款 240

  应收账款 170

  The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。更多学习辅导内容请关注科教园注册会计师复习资料,满足不同考生的需求。

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